I hadn't actually planned to make meringues this week, but when I had leftover egg whites from using the yolks for ice cream, I couldn't forgo the opportunity! Even if I had already made a chocolate torte and probably didn't need any more sweet treats. If you're here because you want to make meringues (which I assume you are) rather than because you happen to have egg whites to use, then save the yolks for ice cream, custard, lemon curd or creme brulee.
I'm quite particular with how I like my meringues - they should be lovely and crispy on the outside, with a gorgeous gooey chewy middle. This recipe gives you exactly that! If you prefer a crispier, crunchier meringue then just leave out the vinegar and cornflour mix.
The proportion for meringues should always be 50g sugar per egg white. As I had 5 egg whites leftover from making ice cream, I'll be using 5!

5 egg whites
250g caster sugar
1tsp white wine vinegar
1tsp cornflour
1. Pre-heat the oven to 140C and line two baking trays with baking paper.
2. Whisk the egg whites until pale and fluffy. Add the caster sugar one dessert spoon full at a time until thick, glossy and stands at a stiff peak when the whisk is removed. Don't over whisk, but make sure the meringue reaches a point where it holds in the bowl when tipped (careful here!!)
3. If you want chewy centres, then mix the vinegar and cornflour together to form a paste and whisk this through the meringue mix.
4. Spoon the mixture on the trays - I did two heaped dessertspoonfuls for each meringue. You don't have to be neat and uniform with this! If you want super neat meringues, you can pipe them, but I prefer a big ol' blob!
5. Place in the oven and immediately turn the heat down to 110C. Bake for 1 hour, turn off the oven and leave the meringues in until the oven is cool.