These fritters are AMAZING! And I can say that without arrogance because it's Anna Jones' recipe, with only minor tweaks to my own preferences. I was sceptical when I made the mix as I thought I needed to make patties out of the it before frying (I'll admit, I didn't read the instructions properly). All you need to do is spoon the mix into a hot oiled pan, squish down slightly and it holds together beautifully when cooked.
I tried the first one immediately, then couldn't stop nibbling on them as I cooked.
The slight adaptations that I made included using less spinach than the original recipe (I just thought 200g seemed like a lot and I wanted to save it for salads this week), tinned sweetcorn instead of fresh, smoked paprika instead of cumin (just a personal preference), and I used one fewer eggs. I was nervous about using too many eggs because I really dislike them. I know, a veggie who doesn't like eggs is a pain. As I used less spinach I think I got away with it, as they held together well without tasting eggy!

Makes 8-10
100g spinach, shredded
400g tin black beans, mashed lightly
200g tin sweetcorn
1 tsp smoked paprika
1 red chilli, chopped finely
3 eggs
salt and pepper
1. Shred / chop the spinach and add to a large bowl. Lightly mash the black beans and mix with the spinach. Add the sweetcorn, smoked paprika, chopped chilli and seasoning then mix thoroughly to combine. Whisk the eggs and add to the mixture, stir to combine.
2. Pre-heat the oven to 150C and place a baking tray inside.
3. Heat a little vegetable or sunflower oil in a large frying pan, on a medium/high heat. Test one fritter first to check that the pan is hot enough and the mix is holding well - use about two dessertspoons per fritter and simply spoon into the pan and press down gently to flatten slightly. Fry for 2-3 mins on each side. Fry 2-3 fritters at a time (depending on frying pan size), then place in the oven to keep warm while cooking the remaining fritters.